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Photogrammetry Services

Domeble’s R&D programme has created a process combining Hi-resolution real time photogrammetry scenes with true parallax. Our industry leading 360° HDRI’s combined with our photogrammetry scenes provide the perfect solution for immersive VR experiences with 3D CAD models and configurators.

360° Photogrammetry VR Scenes

Photogrammetry as a process has long been in the shadows, but the rise of reality capture and platforms like Unreal Engine and Unity have brought the potential and creative possibilities very quickly into the spotlight.

We first unveiled our photogrammetry scene ideas as a proof of concept at Unite Copenhagen just before the pandemic hit, and since then, through an intense R&D programme and tech development grants, we have created a very unique process. Our finished scenes provide you with a full photo real 360° VR scene, incorporating true world geometry that introduces scene parallax, and your CAD data is brought to life in real time with our 360° HDRIs of the same scene.

Photo Real Scene Quality

Our in-house teams provide a photo capture process of the required scene with matched 360° HDRI’s matching the scene, and shot throughout the day to enable you to experience the scenes from dawn through to dusk and into the night. We are currently offering our scene capture and creation as a custom shoot service, and look forward to providing your CAD designs and configurators with an immersive experience that will engage your clients and customers like never before.

For information, or a demo please contact us here, or drop an email to